Hardware As A Service
HaaS, is the water cooler in the office, or the vending machine at school. For a monthly fee, you get to have the benefit of the device without having to purchase it. You pay a monthly fee to a company, that specializes in this service, to provide, maintain and upgrade the device (or hardware) to keep it in its optimal condition – and for firewall security, you now have the same option. HaaS allows you to establish information security for a low monthly fee without the upfront cost of purchasing a firewall. A managed security services company, like Intrinium, is paid a modest monthly fee to keep the devices up to date, functioning, upgraded in a timely manner. This helps to keep your hardware upgraded before it becomes obsolete and will take away the need for you to make large capital investments.
Let’s fit your needs
Whether you have a business the size of Amazon, or a small business, HaaS can scale to customize a solution to fit your needs – whether it’s a single device or hundreds. Running updates and providing maintenance to hardware is not something that your internal IT needs to worry about. Let us take ownership and responsibility so your resources may be used for more strategic work.
Cost efficiency
Researching and discussing hardware easily becomes a massive overhead expenditure of time and resources. While your internal team works to acquire the new device, employees are suffering from clunky mechanics, painfully slow operations, and potentially insecure devices ripe for compromise.
Moving to HaaS will move these overhead expenditures to operational costs, or a monthly bill, which will be easier on you and your business, and allows you to better plan for future expenditures. Additionally, the time and cost of maintenance are rolled into your monthly bill.
There is little to no worry about depreciation of the value of the devices because they are essentially a rental. In any other scenario, you would need to purchase the devices outright, requiring a benefit-cost analysis on each device. Reading between the technological lines can be difficult even for the most senior IT specialist. Is this top of the line, $20,000 device going to be a good investment when in three years it’s going to be obsolete? Or do you take the risk of not having as much of what you need and get the $5,000 device that will be obsolete in one year to require re-purchasing year over year? This level of industry information and understanding is communicated consistently to MSSP’s from hardware providers in efforts to equip their organizations with the information needed to properly guide and service clients appropriately. Your MSSP is in touch with the hardware producers, like Dell and Fortinet, and they take advantage of partnerships to get you the best quality for the least money.
HaaS alleviates the burdensome quandary of juggling hardware benefit-cost analysis and leaves your MSSP to make those decisions and perform that research.
HaaS takes away a good deal of security responsibility from you and puts it on us to update software and hardware, and keep on the cutting edge of security incidents so we can apply fixes as they are released. We’re also able to test patches and fixes before deploying them to your company to ensure you experience minimal issues and bugs.